its a done deal, team trades talented strong supermodel to another team

What a terrible fucking fanbase. Women snatching wigs, a dude pulling a woman’s hair, and another putting his hands on one. Lock everyone involved up. This is disgusting behavior. I’ve never seen a fanbase fight each other more than the 49ers fans do. It’s a bunch of savages out there. We just had a fan die in a fight at the Patriots game four days ago. You’d think they’d take a week off out of respect. Just lower life scumbag shit.

Honest question. Do the 49ers even have a season ticket holder waitlist or is it impossible to build one when so many fans get banned from the stadium for fighting every year? Honestly it’d be great job security for their salespeople. They sell out for the year and forecast at least 5,000 open seats for next season between the amount of fighting and deaths 49ers fans cause in a season.

I wonder if our favorite west coast radio show is going to address this tomorrow. It’d be a real shame if Kyle From San Francisco had to call in to keep them honest. He already warned them the fists were in mid-season form:


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