Droevig nieuws: voormalig talentvolle speler van de club is vandaag om het leven gekomen bij een auto-ongeluk

Droevig nieuws: voormalig talentvolle speler van de club is vandaag om het leven geworden bij een auto-ongeluk


Belgian goalkeeper Arne Espeel dies aged 25 after reportedly collapsing following penalty save during match


Belgian goalkeeper Arne Espeel has died aged 25 after reportedly collapsing following a penalty save during a match on Saturday.


Espeel had played for Winkel Sport B which plays in the second provincial division of West Brabant in Belgium.


According to reports in Belgian media, including Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad, Winkel Sport B was 2-1 ahead against Westrozebeke at the team’s home ground in Sint-Eloois-Winkel in the Belgian province of West Flanders when in the second half, the opposition was awarded a penalty.

Espeel saved the spot-kick, reportedly celebrating excitedly before collapsing immediately afterwards, reports Het Nieuwsblad.


Emergency services rushed onto the pitch to try to assist Espeel using a defibrillator, but he was pronounced dead shortly after.


According to Reuters, an autopsy was scheduled for Monday evening to determine the cause of Espeel’s death. The results have not been released.


Belgian media reported that Espeel’s younger brother Aaron was on the bench for the game.

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